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Pardon Me

Ah, the Honors Social. It combined my passion for free food with my dislike of socializing. What a night.

Well, actually, at one point in the night I found myself in the middle of a large table with two conversations happening on either side of me, neither of which I was involved in. Honestly, this is how 90% of my encounters with the outside world go…

No, but then I did start talking to my fellow UHS members, and it was nice to talk about something other than classes. The food was excellent. I tried several new things that I don’t remember the name of now, so that’s a shame. Oh, and some of the upperclassmen assured me that I would come out of freshman year even more confused than I was before. How exciting.

It was really cool to see all of the Honors College together at one event. It kind of reminded me of what I was a part of, which is a huge network of really awesome people.

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